At 4:30 this morning, three vans of tired and happy JBUers rolled out of SETECA headed for the Guatemala City airport. Other than a few slightly rumbly stomachs and some cuts and scrapes, we had no major health issues. In every way conceivable, this was an amazing week, and we could see God's provision and protection all around us. The clinic treated close to 1,000 patients, including several who are now going to get much needed surgeries and other care. The construction team built floors, stoves, and spent 2 days working on the Acción de Amor memorial project. The kids' evangelism team held street VBS's and home visits and worked themselves to a frazzle on the final closing event which was attended by 800 people (kids and families). The education team gave daily English lessons and helped several deaf-mute children expand their working vocabularies.
After dropping the team at the airport, I was back at SETECA around 5:00 a.m. Given that I had locked my key in my room, I had to roust someone to let me in, and I began to load all of the leftover stuff in the van. At about 6:50, I saw the United flight taking off over Guatemala City, knowing that 30+ amazing JBU students and friends were probably already asleep inside...forever changed by a week of incredible experiences that were set into motion by a loving God.
I think I say this every year. This was the finest team I ever had the privilege to serve alongside. I cannot believe the week is already over. THANK YOU, team, for your hard work and for all of the love you shared and showed. You are heroes to me!
If you saw one of our team letters, you saw the face of a young lady named Angela who lives at the Guatemala City garbage dump. She had a sad face and was holding a piece of bread. The picture was taken at one of the Friday night food distributions that is held at the shantytown on the edge of the dump. Here is another picture of Angela, this time taken at the Saturday closing family event. The children got to swim, jump around in inflatables, get their faces painted, eat a wonderful grilled chicken lunch, and more. They not only heard God's word preached, but they also saw it demonstrated by the JBU team and by so many brothers and sisters in the church. It was good to see Angela and so many other children happy and smiling.
Thank you to everyone who has worked and prayed for JBU Guatemala 2102! God is good!
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